Thursday, January 19, 2012

Found: The Blue Sweatshirt

This summer's remodeling meant a certain amount of chaos in our household. As the confusion subsided, missing things surfaced and found their rightful place. However, I came up short with two items. My favorite old navy-blue sweatshirt, worn just enough to be comfy. And the ceramic soap dish by the kitchen sink.

Numerous searches produced nothing. We figured the soap dish had to be somewhere in the house because it was not the sort of thing one took to lunch or out for the evening. The sweatshirt was another matter. We even queried friends, thinking we might have left it somewhere. Finally I gave up this fall - and purchased another navy-blue sweatshirt from our local Target store. After all, $6.95 would not break us up in business.

This morning the temperature had dropped to its first minus zero degrees (Fahrenheit) and I reached in the closet for a clean sweatshirt. Putting it on, I was puzzled. For a sweatshirt bought new in September, this one felt quite worn. I went back to the closet - and produced a second navy-blue sweatshirt. It had been there all along.

Have you ever looked for something and later discovered it was right there in plain sight?

Maggie, our new kitten, just discovered the cursor on my computer screen - right there in plain sight. Something I'd never given a cursory glance (pardon the poor pun, I couldn't resist) except when it slips out of sight at the edge of the screen. Maggie simply cracks me up, even though she is a a huge nuisance as I try to enter things or read what I have called up. She cocks her head and follows its path, as adorable as anything can possibly be. She stretches her head a bit, sometimes putting her paw on the screen. Sometimes I make the cursor go round and round in a big circle as fast as I can - and her little head follows the action like some Bobble-head doll.And I am convulsed with laughter.

Then she takes one step too many unto the keyboard - creating a jumble of letters or worse, erasing whatever I have been working on. I scoop her up and put her on the floor, where she doesn't stay long. After all the cursor is right there - in plain sight.

Now about that ceramic soap dish -- it must be somewhere - in plain sight . . .

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