Thursday, June 24, 2010

Back From on the Road

Nothing like a road trip to clear the air and gain perspective. Yes mountains are massive - and beautiful beyond words. No matter whether it is a photographer's "perfect sky" or rain, sleet, and snow. The snowplow patrolling the road was a bit ominous. The red sandstone canyons of SW Colorado and Utah are magnificent creations from all forms of weather. And Arches National Park is a treasure.

Then there were the people - clearly out of our cozy little community of friends, writers, and family. The stop for lunch at the Cafe on the edge of one small town was the greet-meet-eat place for hard workin' folk, mostly men with creased leather-brown faces. All opininated about things that did not make much sense to us. I suspect their politics and ours would not have much in common.

Concern for the land ranked high for us. The Colorado River was rising 2 feet every day and up to the bottom of bridges due to early, rapid snow melt. All of Nebreska was under flood watch. We have never seen the Platte River so high. What have we done to our beautiful Earth?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Welcome to our blogsite! We have wanted a way to share with you our ongoing creative life. Your support and feedback means so much to us.

Check in with us for news about what we are doing. We will periodically post new information about classes we will be teaching, poetry readings, and newly published pieces of writing. We also will provide current information about some of the creative expressions available in our community.

There will be photographic images from time to time - and each of us will write commentary on various topics Of course there will be our observations of the rapidly changing world in which we live, some of it tongue-in-cheek. Just as important is the inner world of our reflections that generate new poetry and essays, and feeds Elizabeth's photographic lens for viewing the natural world.