Monday, September 27, 2010

Today's Blossom

These waning days have a certain comfort as our garden settles into dormancy. The few fall roses linger in their beauty. Throughout the summer I had dutifully tended the roses Clipped their spent blossoms, trimming the shoots back to leaflets of five or more to encourage more flowers. But now the autumn blooms are left alone to fade and be transformed into colorful rose hips that will adorn the soon-to-be winter landscape.

        Today’s Blossom
If you must—
touch today’s flower bud
and imagine
tomorrow’s blossom.

Imagine the promise,
uncertainty, and
impermanence that have
taken haven within.

if you will,
hold today’s bud.
Should it be opening,
be grateful.

Now—return to today,
come live in
each moment’s

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