Sunday, January 22, 2017

Can I Believe It?

Whoda thunk it! Those lasting words of singer/songwriter Greg Brown echo through
my mind yesterday, as I sat in front of the TV . . . watching the Women's March. (I'm way beyond marching anymore in terms of putting one foot in front of the other. But my heart marches along
with the multitudes.)

Last night, Elizabeth and I gathered in the home of friends, one of whom had been one of the
Parade Marshalls. She wore her pink hat for us. How proud we are to have her as a longtime
friend. A person of like mind, she is.

I remember walking just behind MLK in the March on Washington a mere 54 years ago. And, then the awareness came to me that yesterday . . .

              Our granddaughter was a part of that Women's March,
                          along with her family and friends!
                       Oh my . . . will wonders never cease?

                                       I HOPE NOT!

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