I Can't Believe It . . . I Don't Want
to Believe It . . . No Way !
I tie the lace shoestrings on my two, shiny-black
New Balance shoes every day. And then untie
them again at night. So far, that's nothing out-of-
Then, quite curious - I started to do the math.
Starting with the question:
How many seconds (minutes, hours, days,
weeks) does that procedure mount up to
over the course of an entire year?
So here goes !
1. In one day, the simple action of tying up
two shoes consumes 20 seconds.
2. That means that in one full year (7,300
seconds in a day) X's (365 days in a
normal year) it would total to
122 hours a year.
3. That calculates to 1,708 more hours of
tying shoes . . .
should I live to 90 !
So glad I'm not a millipede.
(Just perhaps, I should wear slip now?)