Saturday, January 11, 2014


I recently went to our local grocery store with my list. More than once,
I noticed that the boxes looked larger . . . but actually contained less of
the product. I shared my observation with another customer and the reply
came back . . . "yep, it is deceiving . . . but it's not illegal." I wonder how
long that's been going on?  Change happens.

                                    *  *  *  *  *  *

I tried to unscrew the plastic cap from a gallon jug of low-fat, Land-O-Lakes,
skim milk. Same brand, same variety, the same, the same, the same. Except,
for this time I had to dig in the kitchen drawer and find my industrial-strength,
adjustable, locking Vise Grip. I opened up the VG to the proper width and
gripped the lid and twisted it. The milk bottle cap let loose with a sharp "snap!"
What is this about??!  I'm aware that I can't do certain things that I used to . . .
but a bottle cap for heaven's sake?! No matter . . . I went to Google and entered
the question: "are milk bottle caps getting more difficult to turn and open?"
My goodness, gee whillikers, gosh darn. Lots of folks are reporting the very
same thing on the Internet.  Change happens.

                                     *  *  *  *  *  *

Earlier in the morning,  I was using a Q-tip to help remove some ear wax and
lo and behold the padded cotton tip was so puny and the stick was so slim it
bent with very little pressure. I wondered . . . am I losing my mind?? It was a
newly purchased box of Q-tips, so that eliminated an aging product well past
its shelf life. Again, Google reported loads of folks are reporting the same
experience.  Change happens.

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