Saturday, July 6, 2013

Giving It A Try

I have been watching my human learning to use her new computer (I catnap on her desk while she is working away) and I think I have the hang of it. Her old computer was not to my liking - much too slow for my nimble mind. But I think this new-fangled machine is the cat's meow.

So here goes - a blog by me, Maggie the Cat.

I want you to know that my sister Pixie and I have been taking our responsibilities seriously as owners of this house. When I am not here next to this computer, I am at the open sliding door in what I call my room in this house. It is a lovely screened porch (I believe that's what my humans call it) and can survey almost the entire back gardens from my post at the door. A cat needs to keep track of the activity outside - birds, squirrels, and the like.

Several nights ago, there were a couple of large animals I had not seen before with black masks across their eyes and striped tails. Pixie and I went on high alert. These creatures moseyed around sniffing at things in my backyard. I have no idea why they were doing this, but one must observe them carefully. Pixie and I both watched from my porch and then in a dignified way befitting responsible cats, we walked as fast as we could to the other end of our house to gain another vantage point.

Back and forth we went. Our humans paid little attention. Probably because they knew we were keeping track of these strange animals. I was glad I as inside, protected by a screen. I wouldn't have wanted to challenge one of these creatures to order to chase it away.They were BIG.

Earlier this week my two humans left and were gone over night. I think they figured we two cats were now mature enough to monitor this house in their absence. The Jan-human from down the street did not even come by, as she usually does when my humans go away. It was good to be fully in charge. Pixie even caught a little mouse and left it by the back door where the humans would be sure to see it when they returned.

It has finally stopped pouring water down from the sky outdoors (I'm glad we are inside cats, all tidy and dry). It has meant the return of sunlight which fascinates me as it plays on the walls and ceiling. I have tried to catch this light, but so far I have not been successful. My humans tell me Ansel Adams (another human) spent all his life trying to catch the light, so I guess I have plenty of time to strategize how I might accomplish light-catching.

Oh, I hear my human coming into this room where her computer lives. So I need to sign off until later.

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