Late March in Minnesota -
sun rises to a cloudless sky
welcome sight amidst the
snow-covered, below-freezing terrain.
A small opossum wanders a side road
disappears into the brush.
Perhaps she is seeking
a warmer place.
A fluffed-out gray squirrel pays attention
to a small damp place oozing from
the ancient Schwedler Maple.
I too, sample its sweetness.
A concert of birds overflows
backyard feeders. A distant cardinal
sings its signature spring song.
Not for the first time . . . or the last.
A persistent breeze twirls
a tassel of last year's grass.
Wind touches a
nearby wind chime.
spring will begin -
marking the birth of
our oldest daughter!
We remember that
Washington, DC spring day
with daffodils, forsythia, and
cherry trees in full bloom.
Perhaps promises of warmth
will prevail.
Written on March 20, 2013
-Clem Nagel
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