Monday, August 22, 2011

Honoring Norway's Month of Mourning

May Norway continue to embrace contemporary changes
to its country, the multiculturalism 
that one terrorist tried to obliterate
with the deaths of Norway's future leaders. 

May Norway remember its roots,
its hardworking people
and farms wrested from the land
wherever the soil would yield crops.

May Norway remember its resistance
to the Nazi invasion of its country,
its refusal to surrender to a right-wing political movement
that would rid Norway of everyone who did
not fit Hitler's vision's of purity.

May Norway gain strength from the beauty of its land.
High rugged mountains, fjords, and high waterfalls.
And its dedication
to not sacrifice their country's pristine places
in exchange for greed.

From the northern most reaches of small fishing villages
to its graceful cities,
may Norway always remember
those who died so tragically,

May Norway teach us all about the importance of tolerance
and that it is possible to grieve with dignity.

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