If MinnPost.com isn't a part of your regular online reading, You might consider adding it to your regular routine. It describes itself as: "a nonprofit journalism enterprise that publishes MinnPost.com. Our mission is to provide high-quality journalism for news-intense people who care about Minnesota."
If that is not enough incentive to whet your curiosity, call up the site and click on Community Voices. My article is today's (October 25) featured reading. Bill Moyers is one of my heroes and I still miss his Friday night Journal on TPT (public television). In this election frenzy, I have wondered who he might have interviewed. With the airwaves awash with political commentary, some of it good and some of it verging on grounds for libel, I suspect he would have invited some thoughtful voices for us to consider.
I'd like to think and hope that all of this vocal election expression is part of a process that leads us somewhere. Some years in the future we will have the advantage of a long view. I suspect we will see more than the Great Recession and political polarization. We are going somewhere new - into uncharted territory without GPS and reservations at our favorite campgrounds.
I remember a colleague years ago who had become very vocal about the prospects of nuclear war. I asked her why, since the rest of her life had been focused on advocacy for children's mental health issues. She said if nuclear war happens, no other issue matters.
I wonder what would happen if our culture could leave behind all the rhetoric and the distortions. What would we name as what really matters?
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