This spring season is almost totally out of whack!
Some would say non-sensical. In the not-so-recent
past, a person could count on certain weather events
occurring in a sequential fashion. Yes - predictable.
Elizabeth and I so love gardening and can hardly wait
to begin! We have had the packets of veggies and
flower seeds for some time now. A normal spring
would see the first of the peas in the ground by the
first of March (at least in this part of Minnesota.) It is
well into the third week in April and we slipped them
into the cold soil just last week.
This morning's "exploration walk" braved the thick,
cold wind. The elderberry bushes have, just now,
pushed out their buds to greet the world. Normally,
they are among the first to bud out and flower.
Snowdrops did come up.
However, the joyous news is that our bougainvillea
vines are crawling all over the inside windows of our
"garden room". They cling to light fixtures and rungs
of the rocking chair for support. And they are blooming
in a profusion of pastel pinks and oranges. It is as if
they somehow know that this is the time for them to
escape to the outside to explore the fresh spring air.
Of course, the outside vincas and pachysandra peer out
from under last year's fall's dead leaves, waiting for
just enough warmth to launch their flowers for yet one
more season.
Meanwhile - the robins are caroling!